Wednesday, August 26, 2009

besh buddy..

a sweet name
b'long to cute and hndsome boy
crazy boy
sad. nvr.ever.
lurve to go there n there
huha n hahu
u'll look young
awang hazrul faiz
he's da lucky person
love him so much
not mine. only my bestfrenz
rpeat: bestfrenz not boyfrenz
frenz till da end
wen i'm stndard 4 i've chnge my school
there.. i met him..
wen i know him he's a nice person
juz u must stand wit his bad mouth..
haha.. ska ktuk org larh..
it's owkeyh..
juz let it
last night he cal me..
so hepy wen hear his voice
he tell me evthg bout his lyf
sweet n sour
add some bitter in his lyf
teenage lyf owez lyk that
it's fine
he lurve modelling n fashion
his parents owez support him
mybe u'll said : he's like a gurl..
only gurl like doing that thing
xpew.. let it
people owez say ah..uh..isy..
we as da prson let it
one day da person will come and said : i'm sory to u
its owkeyh
people owez judge another prson without think bout him/her
i dont lyk people say like that to him
his my frenz
i owez be wit him
u think u're prfec
only ALLAH is prfec' owkeyh.
he also tell me bout his frenz
evnthough they betrayed him but he still lurve him
memory wit them owez in his mind
als0 sweet and sour memoirs btween me, him and our frenz
he'll owez rmmber n nvr dlete it
he promise
i''ll keep it in my mind

that all bout him

prayed from me:
i''ll ask from Allah to take care of my frenz
be strong
nvr ever down
mntal down??? dont..
i owez wit u..
frenz till da end of ma lyf..

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